Opening New Doors

For a lucky few, a generous budget means that they can invest in the ideal property. One in which space and storage will never be an issue and where the light and airy rooms provide fabulous living spaces. For the rest of us mere mortals it is a case of making the best of what we have or can afford.

Remodelling the Home

The perfect property never seems to present itself and so most home owners will have to embark on some remodelling in order to create a home which suits their needs and lifestyle. When the frustrations of small rooms, unfortunate layouts and dated décor set in, the desire to make changes can be overwhelming but it pays to take your time in formulating a plan. Bad decisions will prove costly but if you make the right choices you can completely transform your home whilst enhancing its value.

Blurring the Lines

You will have many things to consider and doors may not initially appear to be one of the more exciting aspects of your renovations. However, the right patio doors will enhance the light in your home and create the feeling of space by blurring the lines between the outside and the interior. The idea of bringing the outdoors into the home has become something of a cliché, but only because it is a concept which really works!

Bi-Fold Boors

Bi-fold doors have become enormously popular in recent times and for good reason. Unlike more conventional French windows, bi-fold doors can be folded back to open up an entire wall. This really does bring the garden right into your home. The light floods in too and the house instantly feels airy and spacious. Bi-fold doors can be fabulous additions to both period and contemporary properties and will certainly add value. However, if you have a small house or patio then think carefully before making your choice.

Bi-Fold Doors and Small Spaces

As their name suggests, when bi-fold doors are opened up they fold! The wall between you and the outside disappears but those door panels have to go somewhere. The doors can be configured to fold to the interior or the exterior. If you have a small room or furniture which must be positioned close to the doors, bi-fold doors which fold inwards will take up too much space. On the other hand, bi-fold doors which fold outwards can be an inconvenience on a small patio.

Sliding Doors

It is worth considering sliding doors. These can be more costly but offer less interruption to your view of the garden and won’t impinge on the interior or exterior space when open. If you are planning a large expanse of glass, then sliding doors will be very expensive but could well be worth the investment. Sections larger than 3 metres in length can generally only be sourced from specialist suppliers. Nonetheless, sliding doors are becoming ever more popular and make for a striking feature in the home.

Whether you choose bi-fold doors or sliding doors, your home will be a very different place. Stylish, dramatic and creating the illusion of space, the right doors could make you fall in love with your house all over again.